Sabtu, 01 September 2012

Minggu, 08 Juli 2012

to be the one that really fool ..
there is nothing that i can do.
if you mad at me please shout at me..
i really feel  i am lonely now..
i don't have time to meet you..
for what that i have written before.. please just forget it.
that was just my feeling that too excessive..
i am sorry to be like that.
i will accept what do you want to do with me..
this is not just about you and me,, but also the other people..
thank you to have been my bestfriend..
but i am too dumb to think that you all will forget me,..

Jumat, 06 Juli 2012

There is nothing about that right??
 I know you have many friends that always be with you..But what about THIS OLD FRIEND??
Do you forget them? Just because of distance we can’t be together like used to be?
I really hurt to see you like that. Don’t you remember what we have passed in 8 years in our friendship? Is there will one by one out from our relationship. I cannot tell it to you all. I just can write it down. I am afraid you will underestimate me. I really hate it when I am not one of person that you love. I really feel you all my sister..please ,, don’t force me to do something dumb when I don’t have you around me.this is just what I feel nowadays. Understandme..

Jumat, 01 April 2011


A friend is like a flower,
a rose to be exact,
Or maybe like a brand new gate that never comes unlatched.
A friend is like an owl,
both beautiful and wise.
Or perhaps a friend is like a ghost,
whose spirit never dies.
A friend is like a heart that goes strong until the end.
MyEm0.ComWhere would we be in this world if we didn't have a friend.
- By Adrianne S

Forever Friends

you're my friend and that is true,
but the gift was given from me to you.
we went thru moments that were good and bad,
even moments that were happy and sad.
you supported me when i was in tears,
we stuck together when we were in fear,

its really sad that it had to be this way,
MyEm0.Combut it has reached its very last day.
miles away cant keep us apart,
'cause you'll always be in my heart.

Make new friends
But keep the old
One is sliver and the other gold !

Sabtu, 31 Oktober 2009

Life Is Continue

gagal adlah sbuah kta mengrikan, ngdenger na aja udah bkin stress abiss!! palagi kalo itu bneran trjadi, mati dech!.
gue sbner na rada gak srek sma slah stu petuah nenek moyang kta yg blg "gagal itu adalah sebuah keberhasilan yang tertunda" emang sih sdikit-banyak kta-kta itu da mnfaat na, tpi kalo slah ngrtiin na gma cba?! example na ya,,

* lo mnggu dpan da UTS (ujian tengah semester) tpi krna brbgai hal, lo mles ngfal, trus lo yg prnah dnger petuah yg gue tlis diatas jadi malah tmbah sntai, akhirna nlai rpor lo jeblok, trus lo tggal bilg dech sma org tua lo klimat ditas ntu smbil pasang tmpang sedih bgt.. (kjadian kyak gini gak sdikit yang ngelakuin, bahkan, kdang gue jga gtu! he..he..)
* cntoh yg lain na ne, lo ikut sebuah kompetsi, trus, wktu smua kontestan sbuk ltihan, nah lo gak ltihan, d krnakan pptah itu, soal na lo ykin bgt wlaupun lo gagal tapi psti ntar bkal berhasil (ini jga gak sdikit kjadian na! prcaya dech!)

itu segelintir dari cntoh yang gue kdepanin. nah.. gmna klo kjadianna kyak gitu?! brarti udah trjadi penyelewengan arti pepatah itu kan?! skarang gue saranin nih ya, klo lo mo ngelakuin sesuatu yang bae, ato bermtu gitu, jgan dech lo pkiran kta-kta penymangat (kalo nanti sekirana lo gak berhasil) itu sma aja kan, brarti lo ykin lo gak bkal berhasil?! jdi, inti na nih, percaya aja sma semua kmampuan lo!
tpi.. klo sekirana lo udah berusha smaksimal mgkin, tpi trus trnata lo gagal, brulah.. (gue sndiri jga negasin!) "kegagalan itu adalah keberhasilan yang tertunda!"
Life is continue!! nget, hdup gak prnah mnunggu! jdi, kta jga mesti trus mju, kalo skarang gagal msih ada beribu ksempatan, yang pnting itu, niat, smangat, n pkiran positif bhwa.. LO PASTI BISA!!!
